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Accessing the Games

This endpoint is responsible for receiving data related to the client platform user and the game that will be displayed. To get access to a specific game, contact the support team at the email specified in the document header, if everything goes well they will inform the 'game_token' to allow access to the game on the platform.


This endpoint returns a URL that allows a user of the customer platform to place bets. Each URL is unique and contains user session information; they expire as soon as the user logs in for the first time to ensure their security.

Before using this endpoint, make sure that all hooks related to balance checking and betting are configured correctly.

Authorizations: accessToken

HTTP: accessToken
Token generated through the Hypetech administrative panel that guarantees access to games.
HTTP Authorization Scheme: Bearer

Request Body schema: application/json

Request Fields
Field Type Description
game string Specifies the game instance that will be returned to the user.
user_id string Specifies the user id on the client platform. This parameter will be used to check balance, withdrawal and confirm bet results using webhooks.
lang string Parameter that defines the language in the game interface. Supported languages are: Portuguese (pt-BR), English (en-US), and Spanish (es-ES). The language codes follow the ISO 639-1 standard for languages combined with the ISO 3166-1 alpha-2 standard for countries, using a hyphen (-) as the separator.
balance double Current user balance on the platform.
currency string Specifies the currency that will be used during bets. Supports any ISO-4217 currency code.
username string The username is used when placing a bet on the games side panel
avatar_url string The avatar/image of the user, like the name, has a purely visual function, it will be shown in the side panel, and if it is not informed, the initials of the user's name will be used.

Example Payload

Content type: application/json

        "game": "rocket",
        "user_id": "99e27bf0-35da-46e2-a82d-07c492d1ed25",
        "lang": "pt",
        "balance": "20.00",
        "currency": "USD",
        "username": "Jhon Doe",
        "avatar_url": ""
Response Samples
200 URL to access the game.

RESPONSE SCHEMA: application/json

Field Type Description
game_url string URL that allows the user to access the game and place bets. This URL is invalid on first access and must be generated every time the user accesses a page.
"game_url": ""

401 Not authorized

RESPONSE SCHEMA: application/json

Field Type Description
title string Error title.
statusCode integer HTTP code for returned status.
detail string More specific information about the error that occurred.
"title": "Unauthorized",
"statusCode": 401,
"detail": "You don't have access to this game."

404 Game not found.

RESPONSE SCHEMA: application/json

Field Type Description
title string Error title.
statusCode integer HTTP code for returned status.
detail string More specific information about the error that occurred.
"title": "Not found",
"statusCode": 404,
"detail": "Game not found."

500 Internal server error.

RESPONSE SCHEMA: application/json

Field Type Description
title string Error title.
statusCode integer HTTP code for returned status.
detail string More specific information about the error that occurred.
"title": "Invalid Operation.",
"statusCode": 500,
"detail": "Internal server error."