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Bet Placing Webhook


This webhook is triggered whenever a user loses a bet. Although not essential for general integration (since bets and wins already provide the main data), it can be useful for detailed monitoring and transaction tracking.

Request Body Schema: application/json

Domain and Token Configuration

Request Fields
Field Type Description
user_id string ID of the user placing the bet (same ID stored on the client platform).
currency string Currency used on transaction.
amount double Amount that will be received by the user.
provider string Reference to the platform on which the bet is being made.
provider_tx_id string Transaction ID generated by the user.
game string Name of the game that the bet is being made.
action string Indicates the action that generated the transaction.
round_id string ID of the round that the bet was made.
session_token string User session token generated by Hypetech API.
Example Payload

Content type: application/json

        "user_id": "26",
        "currency": "USD",
        "amount": 200,
        "provider": "hypetech",
        "provider_tx_id": "559",
        "game": "aviador",
        "action": "lose",
        "round_id": "255",
        "session_token": "b72afc947ed1809d9a993d378733cfea",
Response Samples
200 Bet information

RESPONSE SCHEMA: application/json

Field Type Description
operator_tx_id string Transaction ID on client’s platform.
new_balance string New user balance.
old_balance string Balance before bet.
user_id string User ID.
currency string Currency used on transaction.
provider string Reference to the platform where the bet was made.
provider_tx_id string Transaction ID generated.
    "operator_tx_id": "559",
    "new_balance": "2050.00",
    "old_balance": "2300.00",
    "user_id": "13",
    "currency": "BRL",
    "provider": "hypetech",
    "provider_tx_id": "559"

404 Route not found

Description: The specified route could not be found.


While optional, the loss webhook adds an additional layer of detail, enabling comprehensive tracking of user behavior and transactions.